Any class member imported.
We'll need to use 'any' as any is callable.
The actual type would be JavaType | ((...args: JavaType[]) => JavaType | Promise
Create a new java instance of type java_instance_proxy["class.proxy.instance"]
the arguments to create the instance
classGet the java class instance
[custom]Custom inspect method for an improved console.log output. This will return the output of toString. Will only be defined if JavaConfig.customInspect is true.
this as a string
Check if this is an instance of another class. Pass either the name of the other class or the class itself to check if this is an instance of it. Does not overwrite any existing instanceof operator. This uses the native java instanceof operator.
This method's name is not affected by the JavaConfig#syncSuffix and JavaConfig#asyncSuffix options.
import { importClass } from 'java-bridge';
const JavaString = importClass('java.lang.String');
const str = new JavaString('Hello World');
str.instanceOf(JavaString); // true
str.instanceOf('java.lang.String'); // true
str.instanceOf('java.lang.Object'); // true
str.instanceOf('java.lang.Integer'); // false
the class to check if this is an instance of
true if this is instance of other
Java default toString method. Sync call.
This method's name is not affected by the JavaConfig#syncSuffix and JavaConfig#asyncSuffix options.
this as a string
Java default toString method. Async call.
This method's name is not affected by the JavaConfig#syncSuffix and JavaConfig#asyncSuffix options.
this as a string
Java default toString method. Sync call.
This method's name is not affected by the JavaConfig#syncSuffix and JavaConfig#asyncSuffix options.
this as a string
use toString instead
newCreate a new java class instance. Async version.
This method's name is not affected by the JavaConfig#syncSuffix and JavaConfig#asyncSuffix options.
the arguments to create the instance
the java_instance_proxy instance
Create a new java class instance. Async version.
This method's name is not affected by the JavaConfig#syncSuffix and JavaConfig#asyncSuffix options.
the type of this class as a new instance of this class will be returned
the arguments to create the instance
the java_instance_proxy instance
The java instance proxy class. This class actually does all the magic. After it is created, this will just be a constructor with all static methods and properties (the accessible ones) stored in it and ready for use. Once the actual instance using the new operator is created, a new java_instance_proxy instance is created, containing the actual java instance (that thing isn't visible though) and all (visible) non-static class member methods and properties.