Function importClassAsync

  • Import a class. Returns the constructor of the class to be created. For example, import "java.util.ArrayList" for a java Array List.

    Define a custom class type for the imported class and pass the constructor type of the class as the template parameter to get the proper type returned. You could also just cast the result.

    When passing a ClassConfiguration object, the config will be applied to this class. This config does not apply to any other class. If you want to change the config for all classes, use the config class in order to do that. Any undefined field in the config will be ignored and the default value will be used. If you want to change the sync and async suffixes to an empty string, you can pass an empty string as the suffix.

    import { importClass } from 'java-bridge';

    // Import java.util.ArrayList
    const ArrayList = importClass('java.util.ArrayList');

    // Create a new instance of ArrayList
    const list = new ArrayList();
    import { importClass, JavaClass, JavaType } from 'java-bridge';

    // Definitions for class java.util.List
    declare class List<T extends JavaType> extends JavaClass {
    size(): Promise<number>;
    sizeSync(): number;
    add(e: T): Promise<void>;
    addSync(e: T): void;
    get(index: number): Promise<T>;
    getSync(index: number): T;
    toArray(): Promise<T[]>;
    toArraySync(): T[];
    isEmpty(): Promise<boolean>;
    isEmptySync(): boolean;

    // Definitions for class java.util.ArrayList
    declare class ArrayListClass<T extends JavaType> extends List<T> {
    public constructor(other: ArrayListClass<T>);
    public constructor();

    // This causes the class to be imported when the module is loaded.
    class ArrayList<T> extends importClass<typeof ArrayListClass>('java.util.ArrayList')<T> {}

    // Create a new ArrayList instance
    const list = new ArrayList<string>();

    // Add some contents to the list

    // Check the list contents
    assert.equals(list.sizeSync(), 2);
    assert.equals(list.getSync(0), 'Hello');
    assert.equals(list.getSync(1), 'World');
    import { importClass, config } from 'java-bridge';

    // Import java.util.ArrayList with custom config
    const ArrayList = importClass('java.util.ArrayList', {
    syncSuffix: '',
    asyncSuffix: 'Async',

    // Create a new instance of ArrayList
    const list = new ArrayList();

    // Call the async method
    await list.addAsync('Hello World!');

    // Call the sync method
    list.add('Hello World!');

    Type Parameters


    • classname: string

      the name of the class to resolve

    • Optionalconfig: ClassConfiguration

      the config to use when importing the class

    Returns Promise<T>

    the java class constructor